5 steps to a better morning for busy moms of littles

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Moms of small children might be the most tired breed of human I know. Which is precisely why a simple morning routine for moms is essential to keep us running at our best.

We’re busy bees, constantly chasing small children, prepping meals, picking food up off the floor, changing diapers, wiping runny noses, planning menus, pushing strollers and setting boundaries.

All. Day. Long.

I fell into a personal morning routine rut, especially as the world shut down due to COVID-19. Any semblance of structure or routine we formerly had melted away before our eyes. Instead of getting up before my kids, I was dragging myself out of bed when I heard them wake.

No bueno.

I found myself getting frustrated because I had barely had a sip of my coffee but I was already consumed by noise and messes. Not only did it feel exhausting, but I felt like I wasn’t able to give my best to my kids or my husband.

There was no more easing into my days, but instead, hitting the ground at full speed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m blessed to be a stay-at-home mama, but there was no longer anything to keep us entertained each day. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse lost its excitement, our inside pool filled with colorful balls lost its novelty, MOPS had closed, Mother’s Day Out had closed, the children’s museum closed it’s doors, and the library too! Even our neighborhood parks were off limits.

It was like groundhog day over and over — and I was not ready to do it all over again each morning. Something had to give, but I wasn’t willing to add one more thing that felt like “too much.”

In comes the simple morning routine for moms

So I decided to start a very simple morning routine that I would actually stick to. Nothing crazy, nothing hard, and no plan to lose 5 pounds in one week. That’s not my style, and since you’re reading this, I bet it’s not yours either.

The best part is these tips are easy, they don’t require anything you don’t already have AND they make a huge difference in the trajectory of your day.

Here are my suggestions for 5 of the best morning routine hacks for moms — ones you can actually start tomorrow.

  • Wake
  • Move
  • Read
  • Pray
  • Sip

Read on as I break them down one by one.

Wake up {30 minutes} before your kids

If your kids wake up at 5 a.m. and you’re a night owl, this is going to be really tough! No matter when they wake, you can still do this, mama.

If your little ones wake up around 7 a.m., set your alarm for 6:30 a.m. and get going. Work your way up to an hour before your children, but its important to start with just 30 minutes. You’re less likely to stay in bed if you start slow. This might be the most beneficial simple morning routine for moms to continue as long as they can.

There’s something magical about a quiet home where no one is awake yet except for you. Enjoy this time, and use it to accomplish whatever brings you joy, or better yet, what I’ve listed below.

Move your body

Love to run? Go for a jog while the sun is rising. Always wanted to try yoga? Pull up a guided video or app and do some yoga in the living room. Despise working out? Do simple stretches to get your blood flowing.

Side note about yoga: did you know YouTube has a lot of free guided yoga videos? Or, one of the best apps for beginners is aptly named, Yoga for Beginners. You can find this in the app store of your iPhone. It’s also free!

For the most part, I enjoy working out, but with the gyms closed and it being so hot outside already, I started doing basic crunches, push ups and stretches. Nothing crazy, but just enough to feel like I did something for my body. I’ll have to up the ante soon, but I say it’s enough when I know I’ll also be taking 1-2 walks with the kids during the day.

Read something

Notice how I said “something” here. It doesn’t have to be a devotional or bible, but those are awesome options to start the day right. It can be the new novel you haven’t had time to pick up, or a magazine.

In the season I’m in right now, I’m reaching for lots of fiction. I just started The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah.

Side note: I recently finished Before We Were Yours….and oh my goooosssshhh!

This is your time. Pick enjoyable, uplifting or educational material.

Pray or meditate

This makes a lot of sense if you’re doing a devotional or reading the bible, but even if you’re not, take some time to pray or meditate about whatever is on your mind.

Several years ago, I read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. He mentioned affirmations as part of a good morning routine. This is where you basically speak life back into the universe and yourself to get over a fear or accomplish something big. Go ahead, talk to yourself. No one is judging you — remember, no one is awake yet. 😉

Sip your coffee

This seems like a silly one to make the list, but it’s super important to me. I love enjoying every sip of my hot cup of joe before it gets cold. Far too often I have to reheat my coffee and by then, it just doesn’t taste the same.

Coffee or tea not your thing? Some sources say drinking lemon water first thing in the morning has incredible health benefits. In these warmer months, lemon sounds pretty refreshing.

To save minutes, drink your beverage of choice at the same time you’re reading or praying.

I’m nothing if not efficient. 😉 Tee hee.

The breakdown

In case you’re wondering how all this good stuff fits into 30 minutes (remember, we’re waking up 30 minutes before our kids!)…then allow me to show you how you could break it down:

  • Move your body {10 minutes}
  • Read something + sip your coffee {10 minutes}
  • Pray or meditate {10 minutes}

It’s really hard to tear yourself away from a good book (and if you’re like me, it’s hard to finish coffee in 10 minutes), which is why you’re going to work your way up to an hour. Here’s an example:

  • Move your body {20 minutes} <—more calories burned, more endorphins released!
  • Read something {25 minutes} <—perhaps two whole chapters!
  • Pray or meditate {15 minutes} <—better!

The more you do your simple morning routine, the more you’ll crave it! The more time you give yourself before your family wakes up, the more you can accomplish for yourself before you start the day.

And, as we all know, filling your cup first will allow you to fill others’ throughout the day.

Let me know what your mornings look like in the comments below. If you haven’t done this yet, I challenge you to start tomorrow!


Trying to find creative ways to entertain the kiddos after your mind and body are prepped for the day? Read my list here on ideas for entertaining littles, both inside and out!