Hiya, mamas! I’ll admit it—I’m a podcast addict. I’ve been bingeing podcasts of all genres since 2012. Back then, I was a young, full-time working non-mom, dreaming daily of quitting my stressful nine to five, becoming an entrepreneur and starting my own family. Since becoming a mom in 2016, my taste in podcasts has broadened just a bit more to also include motherhood and intentional living topics. Here are, in my opinion, the best podcasts for moms that have been serving me in various ways for the last 4+ years.

Why Podcasts?

Because our generation is a generation ON. THE. GO.

Fewer people are able to find the time to sit down and read a blog, so podcasts are a way to consume information on the go. And who’s more on-the-go than modern mamas?

Think about our day-to-day lives: we’re standing in line at the grocery store, sitting in the school pickup line, waiting in the drive-thru for coffee, taking a neighborhood stroll, jogging on the treadmill at the gym, folding laundry, commuting to and from work, etc. These are just a few of the places you can effectively binge podcasts when you want to learn or consume something, especially when it’s something you want to get better at.

What Can They Teach Me?

What can they teach you? Anything from how to deal with toddler tantrums, how to sleep train your infant, how to meal prep to make for easier dinner times, how to start a blog from scratch, how to declutter your playroom, or how to heal your gut naturally.

The list goes on! I’m an eternal seeker of knowledge—I LOVE to learn—and as soon as I became a mama, I wanted to better my motherhood game, my homemaking game, and also crush my mompreneur goals.

If that resonates with you, you’re in the right place. Here are the best podcasts for moms (i.e., my personal faves), sorted by category.

Best Podcasts for Moms: Parenting Genre

Don’t Mom Alone

Why I love it: Heather MacFadyen provides solid, faith-based parenting resources for mothers with kids of all ages. She seamlessly blends a variety of topics, from parenting, to faith, to the enneagram, to interviews with some big household names (i.e., Sally Clarkson, Melanie Shankle, Beth Moore, Audrey Roloff, and more.)

Coffee and Crumbs

Why I love it: I love the dialogue format between the ladies of this podcast. It’s a group of four women, all who have young children. My favorite episodes are the, “This is how we do” or, “This is how we don’t” themes. They also mix in heavier topics, like loneliness and postpartum depression. There’s never a dull moment with these four, and I always feel like I’m having brunch or a glass of wine with mommy friends.

Respectful Parenting

Why I love it: I appreciate Janet’s respectful approach to parenting and discipline. I know everyone parents a bit differently and won’t always agree with every approach, but I believe that if we parent more often from a place of respect and love, we’re more likely to raise kids who treat others (including us) with respect. This is one I need daily in my parenting journey with two toddlers!

At Home with Sally

Why I love it: Sally is a blogger, author, speaker and mother to grown children. She and her podcast are so inspiring. She talks about topics like shaping character, awakening wonder, books that changed her life, and more. I really wish Sally was my next door neighbor. I’d force her to be my mommy mentor and have afternoon coffee with me. 🙂

Best Podcasts for Moms: Personal Growth / Intentional Living Genre

The Purpose Show

Why I love it: Allie has built an empire helping overwhelmed moms declutter their homes and lives. She’s a mama to four children, a Christian, course creator and podcaster. She inspires me with her hustle as an entrepreneur and her desire to simplify our lives as mothers. I am about half way through her Your Uncluttered Home course. You should give her a listen if you need a kick in the rear to get your home under control. Less clutter equals less overwhelm equals a more purposeful motherhood, am I right? Here’s a link to that course! (*affiliate link)

Wellness Mama Podcast

Why I love it: I consider Katie my own personal mommy health guru. 😉 Yall, I’m obsessed with her podcast when I’m ready to do some serious gut-healing, red-light-therapy-using, mushroom-drinking, natural-toothpaste-making, barefoot-in-the-grass stuff. Her episodes tend to be on the long side (note: one hour-ish), so I find it’s hard to finish them in one fell swoop, but they are jam-packed with value. She interviews experts in each space and she herself is very well educated. If you’re a “crunchy” mama, this one’s for you.


Why I love it: Similar to Allie’s approach (from The Purpose Show, above) this podcast is all about realistic minimalism and intentional living. I like the host, Desirae, because she seems like someone who I’d have a very real, down to earth, conversation with.

The Mother Like a Boss Podcast

Why I love it: The host, Kendra Hennessy, dives in to the nitty gritty of motherhood (the good, the bad and the ugly) with very candid conversations. She is also a former owner of a housekeeping business, so she really knows her stuff on how to keep a home tidy as a busy mom. I love that she does monthly roundup podcasts, which focus on quick wins and mindset for life and motherhood.

Best Podcasts for Moms: Mompreneur Genre

Smart Passive Income

Why I love it: This was the first business podcast I started truly bingeing in 2012, and to this day, he is still one of my most trusted, respected and listened-to sources (just today, I signed up for another one of his webinars). I consider Pat Flynn an expert in the entrepreneurial space. He delivers value in every single episode, yet he’s also passionate, relatable and approachable. Side note: I may or may not have geeked out when he addressed me specifically (by name) during one of his live Q&A calls. Eeeek!

Build Your Tribe

Why I love it: Chalene Johnson is a really fun and energetic speaker. She provides a wealth of knowledge on both business and lifestyle topics. As an author, business coach and serial entrepreneur, she packs loads of content and expertise into each podcast. I especially value her strategies on building and growing your social media accounts.

The Side Hustle Show

Why I love it: Host Nick Loper explores a wide variety of side hustles, from online business, to Amazon selling, to podcasting, to real estate. I’m always really inspired by others’ stories of bootstrapped success. Note: if you love this one, you’ll probably also love Side Hustle School (by Chris Guillebeau), who gives content-rich, bite-sized episodes of different and unique entrepreneur success stories. Love this one too!

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast

Why I love it: Hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams are a couple (with kiddos) from Kentucky making their entire living online. I love how REAL they are and how they let you listen in on some of their live coaching calls as they sort through start-up challenges.

The Mompreneur Mastermind Show

Why I love it: Much like Chalene’s show above, the thing I love most about this show is Stefani Gass’ energy level. She makes me feel pumped up and ready to tackle anything! She also provides killer value in every episode. I love listening to her do live coaching on air and the way she wraps up by praying over her listeners. I mean, who else does that?! What a gift!

Best Podcasts for Moms: Christian Genre

Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram

Why I love it: It feels uber specific to name Chip Ingram as my go-to when there are thousands of pastors you could listen to. And while I adore a few other pastors who deliver sermons via podcasts, I have a special place in my heart for Chip. When life felt really heavy in my twenties, I would park my car and listen to him during my lunch hour at work. To this day, I still pull up his podcast when I’m in need of some biblical truth.

Kindled Podcast:

Why I love it: Haley has some great topics (and some hard ones, too!). I originally found her from a business podcast search. Since she re-branded her podcast a bit, it definitely falls more into the spiritual growth realm. Her interviews cover topics from homeschooling to self love, and they’re delivered in a genuine, uplifting way.

Focus on Marriage Podcast

Why I love it: The overall feel of this one is a bit old-fashioned, but if you can get past that, it offers short, value-packed nuggets of gold on marriage topics, from personality types to setting healthy boundaries.

Risen Motherhood

Why I love it: This is another one with honest, faith-filled conversation for moms. It’s for the mamas who need some uplifting and gospel-based conversation in the sometimes mundane moments in motherhood.

The 5-Minute Mom Podcast

Why I love it: Good, real-life wisdom in 5-minute monologues! Let’s face it, 5 minutes is sometimes all we can carve out of our days. Her guest interviews are typically less than 30 minutes as well. Audra covers topics from the fruits of the spirit, to overcoming anger, to intimacy in your marriage.

Whew, that was fun! Of course, this list is not the be-all and end-all of worthy podcasts, however, these are the ones that resonate the most with me as a thirty-something wife, mother, Christian and entrepreneur. There are thousands upon thousands I haven’t even stumbled upon yet! I hope you’ll pop in some earbuds the next time you’re folding that mountain of a laundry pile (you too?) and give one of these a listen.

What about you? What are your favorite podcasts? I’m always looking for new podcasts to add to my list!

Cheers, mamas!

P.S. Trying to carve out time for podcast listening? Have a look-see at my easy (and life changing) morning routine for moms here. You can replace the reading piece with podcasting. 🙂